State Ensured Legal Aid
To receive legal aid provided by the state, a person must complete and submit to the Legal Aid Administration an application form for request of the state guaranteed legal aid and attach copies of documents confirming the person’s right to request legal aid, certificate on the status of low-income or needy person (if granted), as well as other documents related to nature of the dispute, course of the matter (e.g., copies of the contract of employment or other employer-related documents – if the dispute entails labour law, a copy of the rental agreement – if problems related to flat renting, etc.).
The Legal Aid Administration shall grant the state legal aid in civil cases (except, for example, if the state guaranteed legal aid is sought in connection with performance of the loan contract, if the applicant is lender, if the request is related to luxury articles or luxury services, as well as legal assistance can not be obtained in cases directly related to the claimant’s all kinds of economic activity, business or independent professional activity, as well as in other cases), and in appeal procedures of administrative matters for asylum granting proceedings until the final court ruling enters into force.
The persons are entitled to request a state-guaranteed legal assistance only if they have obtained status of low-income and needy person under the procedure specified by laws and regulations in which a natural person is declared of low-income and needy, as well as if they suddenly get into a situation and a material condition that prevents their protection of their rights (due to natural disasters, force majeure or other circumstances beyond control of the person), or are under full maintenance by the government or local authority.
Application on legal aid shall be reviewed and decision on granting or refusal to grant legal aid shall be adopted by the Administration within 21 days, but in matters affecting children’s rights – within 14 days from the date of receipt of an application for legal aid.
For provision of legal aid the Legal Aid Administration shall assign a legal aid provider contracted by the Legal Aid Administration and shall provide legal advice and assistance in the preparation of documents, and represent the parties before the Court to the extent required by law.
The application and also a consultation on filling in of the application and the documents to be enclosed therewith may be received free of charge from the Legal Aid Administration visitors’ reception centre, by calling the toll-free information telephone +371 80001801