Project “Violence likes silence”
Campaign about zero tolerance towards violence against women “Violence likes silence”
The goal of the project is to rise society’s awareness and to promote dissemination of zero tolerance towards violence, of all kinds, towards women and girls, also to change society’s oppinion and action, when facing violence (especially amongst young people).
Latvia is one amongst the EU Member States in which violence towards women and domestic violence are especially widespread phenomenon. Statistics examplifies this: in 2015 of all cases when woman was hospitalised with bodily injuries, more than a half cases was because of spuse being violent (93 criminal proceedings were initiated against spouses, who inflicted injuries). Feeling hopeless, at least 75 women attempted to commit a suicide. The police heared out more than 8000 phone calls about family conflicts; 2500 being received from children , 80% of which being victims of domestic violence, received social services, provided by the state.
One of the main goals of the project , “Awareness rising towards zero tolerance of violence against women “Violence likes silence”” is to demonstrate that behind each number there is a human – they are our neighbours, friends and family members – who need our assistance. By considering that violence against women is a problem which needs to be dealt with, firstly, by stopping silence, we want by the aid of different activities and techniques, to encourage everyone, who is a witness or victim of violence, to break silence, to look for a support, to report and not to be indifferent. In the meantime, by the aid of active public campaign, is intended to change society’s attitude and actions against violence as a whole. It is intended to be achieved by both working with young man preventively and by realising informative campaign in the urban environment and in the mass media.
(further information is in Latvian)
Articles created in the time of project
Organized trainings in the time of project
Videos against violence to women
More information on homepage of Ministry of Welfare of Latvia.