Information and support for crime victims or crime witnesses
This webpage is created to provide useful information in all cases when you or someone you know has become a victim of crime or has been a witness of a crime. In this webpage you will find information that will make you feel more confident and secure when communicating with persons, institutions and organizations that you might encounter after becoming a victim or a witness.
You will find information about institutions and organizations that can provide you with necessary help and support irrespective of the type of offense, time when it occurred and whether the crime has been reported or not.
Webpage will help you to decide what to do and what could be the possible consequences of your decision.
Videos against violence to women
EN_Lai informētu par atbalsta iespējām vardarbībā cietušas sievietes krīžu un konsultāju centrs “Skalbes” radījis animāciju, kuras sešās daļās atspoguļoti dažādi vardarbības aspekti. Aicinām iepazīties ar 1.animācijas daļu “Kas ir fiziska vardarbība?”, kas skaidro, kāpēc fizisku vardarbību nedrīkst atstāt bez ievērības un kā rīkoties šajā situācijā.
Project “Violence likes silence”
Campaign about zero tolerance towards violence against women “Violence likes silence” (No.JUST/2016/RGEN/AG/VAWA/9944) The goal of the project is to rise...
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic abuse is a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that is a pervasive life-threatening crime affecting people in all our...